Acupuncture is now the fastest growing treatment modality in the world. But the U.S. Medical system has been slow in acknowledging the important role licensed acupuncturists are ready and able to assume especially in the areas of promoting wellness, stress management, treating and preventing pain and reducing the severity of chronic illnesses.
Before even applying for a degree at an acupuncture college , one must have an undergraduate (Bachelors) college degree. Acupuncture itself is a 4 year post graduate study which includes a clinical internship and a segment on Western bio-medicine. Upon successful completion/graduation from an accredited acupuncture college, one must then pass a state medical board licensing exam in the state they intend to practice. Some states also require acupuncture applicants to have have already passed the national certification exam.
Many states also include the study of Chinese herbs and classical formulas in these graduate studies. These studies equip acupuncturists with many unique diagnostic and treatment tools that qualify licensed acupuncturists to self-declare as primary physicians with lab and limited hospital privileges in several states.
There are a growing number of medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, physical therapists, massage therapists who are self-taught or take limited courses that teach acupuncture points for pain reduction but these courses usually omit the science and theories of Asian medicine that enable practitioners to diagnose and treat complicated health conditions safely and effectively.
Like Western biomedical doctors, many licensed acupuncturists take additional courses specializing in areas of their interests., i.e., orthopedics, women/men’s issues, pediatrics, neurology, anesthesiology, wellness, pain management, etc.
Licensed acupuncturists are ready and poised to make tremendous contributions to the health and wellness of the U.S. population. You can help this happen even faster by requesting that the services of licensed acupuncturists be made available at the clinics, hospitals and other healthcare services near you. It is also important that we all insist that healthcare insurance companies provide acupuncture coverage by licensed acupuncturists.