How Holistic Lifestyle Works

How Holistic Lifestyle Works

The Coleman Wellness Self-Test (CWST) will open the door to understanding how your lifestyle may be affecting your health. It also invites you to explore practical ways of preventing health problems. Whether you are sick or well, the CWST HOLISTIC APPROACH can be used to increase your energy and wellness.


Each of us is a whole and complete being made up of spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social aspects. These aspects are inextricably intertwined and constantly influence the way we think, feel, behave and our manner of interacting with others. Any attempt to enhance our state of wellness must also consider the influence of these various aspects. The CWST is based on this holistic approach. To understand better how it works, take the example of “Burn-Out.”


“Burn-Out” is a term that is applied to debilitating physical/mental/emotional exhaustion. It is brought on by long periods of nutritional deficiencies, emotional conflicts, overwork and major disappointments in one’s life. Substance abuse may also be involved. Since the cause of this condition is complex, its prevention and/or treatment must address several aspects of the whole person; it requires a HOLISTIC APPROACH. The nervous system must be revitalized by proper nutrition (including herbs) and exercise [Physical]. Stressful attitudes [Emotional] toward work, school and relationships [Social] must be relaxed. In order to make better decisions [Intellectual/Mental], it is necessary to search for greater self-understanding and up to date scientific health information. Equally important to resolving “Burn-out,” one must have the will and method(s) to transform one’s lifestyle so that it follows one’s highest [Spiritual] beliefs.


The CWST HOLISTIC APPROACH may be used by doctors, psychologists, wellness consultants, social workers, ministers, teachers, parents or others who assist people in their search for greater self-awareness and wellness. Most important, YOU may utilize the CWST HOLISTIC APPROACH to find your way to a happier, healthier life.